How Long Should Fingernails Be?

If your fingernails grow easily, you might wonder about the best length to keep them. We've researched the ideal fingernail length and have helpful insights for you.

In this guide, we'll share the recommended nail length, answer common questions about nail care, and provide tips for strengthening your fingernails. Keep reading to learn how to maintain healthy, well-groomed nails.

Fingernail Length

Fingernail length is a personal preference, but you shouldn't opt for shorter than slightly past the nail. Your nails should be at least longer than they are wide.

hands with clean fingernails crossed on a towel

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Square nails, where the length is not longer than the width, will make your hands and fingers look shorter and thicker. Longer nails will make your fingers seem longer and more slender.

Long nails can make some jobs and tasks difficult and even result in an injury. Jobs requiring typing might be difficult if your nails are too long. It would be frustrating trying to type on a keyboard when your nails are hitting other keys too.

Similarly, if you work in a factory setting that requires a lot of hand use, you might risk ripping off a fingernail. There are also hygienic reasons to keep your nails relatively short.

Bacteria collects under fingernails, so imagine how much you can store under there if you have longer nails! Remember your daily tasks and personal preferences as you think about your fingernail length.

How Should Fingernails Be Cut?

First, you should prepare your nails for cutting by softening them. You can do this by letting them soak in a bowl of warm water. You don't have to do this if you plan to cut your fingernails after showering; the warm water from bathing will do the work for you.

woman about to cut fingernails using nail clipper

When cutting your fingernails, it's important to use a fingernail clipper or nail scissors. These can be found in a manicure/pedicure set.

Fingernail clippers are generally smaller than toenail clippers and have a more rounded shape. Cut your nails almost straight across, and then use a file to round off the edges into the shape you want.

You can push back your cuticles, but you should never cut them. In fact, it's best to just leave them alone. Your cuticles have a purpose, and cutting them can lead to infection.

After you finish cutting your nails, you should apply moisturizer. Whenever you apply moisturizer to your hands, make an effort to focus some on your nails. This will help prevent them from getting dry.

How Do You Know When Your Nails Are Too Long?

When your nails are too long, they begin to give you problems. They might start breaking more easily or doing everyday tasks might become more difficult.

You might notice that griping a dumbbell at the gym is harder because your nails dig into your palm. Long nails might impede your typing if you work in an office setting.

If you notice your nails collecting a lot more dirt than usual, it might be another sign that it's time to trim them. As we mentioned earlier, bacteria love to grow under nails, so it is important not to let them get too long.

Is It Better To Cut Or File Nails?

woman doing manicure with nail file

There seems to be some debate as to whether it is better for your nails to file or cut them. Some professionals swear that you should always file your nails and never cut them, but filing them first might cause them to break if you have brittle nails.

If you have strong nails, cutting them first might also be faster. It might take some experimenting to figure out your personal preferences and needs.

If you need to change the length by a fair amount, cutting your nails first and then filing them to your desired shape is a good option.

Filing is the way to go if you only need to change the length slightly. If you maintain the length by filing frequently, you will not have to reach for clippers as often and maybe not at all.

If you're wondering whether you can file your nails while they are polished, check out this post: Can You File Nails With Nail Polish On?

What Nail Shape Lasts The Longest?

In architecture, the triangle is known as one of the strongest shapes. However, this is not true of fingernails.

illustration of types of nail shapes

In fact, the longer and pointier your nails are, the more likely they are to break. Shorter is stronger, so keeping your nails short will help with durability. If you want a durable nail shape that will last the longest, opt for a square or square shape.

The squoval is a combination of the square and oval shapes and is essentially a square with round edges. It is also a great option if you're looking for a natural-looking shape because it copies the shape of your cuticle.

So, what we're really saying is that the less surface area your nail has, the less likely it is to break.

How Do You Strengthen Your Nails?

Weak nails can be frustrating. They become brittle and break and peel and leave you with unattractive-looking fingernails and hands. If you want to strengthen your nails, there are some things you can try! Let's take a look.

1. Moisturizer

We mentioned earlier that moisturizing your nails after cutting them is important to keep them from becoming dry. It will also help strengthen your nails. Try to apply a hand cream often.

2. Avoid Water

While it's good to keep your fingernails hydrated with moisturizer, too much contact with water can weaken them. Try to avoid submerging your hands for long periods of time.

Purchase rubber gloves when you clean the dishes, and try to keep your fingernails out of the tub when you bathe.

3. File In One Direction

If you decide to file your nails, make sure you do so in one direction. Filing your nails back and forth will do more harm than good and can cause them to break or split.

4. Avoid Artificial Nails and Gel Polishes

Although it might be tempting to go straight for artificial nails if your nails don't grow, they will actually hurt your chances of growing and strengthening your natural nails.

The products and UV light used will weaken your fingernails. If you do decide to get artificial nails or gel polish, you should take a break occasionally.

For more information about this, check out our blog post: Does Shellac Ruin Your Nails (And Do You Need A Break From Them)

5. Keep Them Short

You might be tired of hearing us say that shorter nails are better, but they are less likely to get caught on things and break than longer nails. So, a shorter length will keep your fingernails stronger.

6. Watch Your Health

The condition of your nails can also indicate your health. Ensure you eat a balanced diet, as weak nails can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.

7. Biotin and Other Supplements

Make sure to check with your doctor or health professional before starting any new supplements, but biotin is often well-recommended for strengthening your nails.

There are also supplements specifically made for targeting your fingernails. They will usually include vitamins that promote nail growth.

Nail Length Considerations

Your fingernails should extend minimally just past your fingertips, with visible white tips. The exact length beyond that depends on your personal style and practical considerations like job requirements.

Aim for a nail length that is tidy, hygienic, and suitable for your daily activities. We hope this guide has helped you determine the ideal fingernail length for your needs.

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young teen hands holding a nail clipper about to trim fingernails, How Long Should Fingernails Be


  1. Hi, nice post. My nails are 10 mm long and I’m facing no such issues with them performing my daily routine. I was just wondering at what length I should stop growing them and make it my standard length. Your article helps me to know that I should keep them growing until they start being obstacle in my work. Thank you.

  2. Square nails are not strong, they are relatively weak because they have two sharp points that can bump on things and snap. Anything with sharp angles is weak. Round and oval are the strongest shapes, as any pressure is distributed evenly across the edge.

  3. Having attended finishing school in London many moons ago, we were taught that a lady never wears her fingernails longer the half the length of the nail bed. That has stuck with me my entire life, and while I appreciate each to their own, those Dr. Fu Manchu nails I honestly find just unattractive and outright tacky.

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