Acrylic Nails: Advantages And Disadvantages

If you're considering artificial nails for the first time, it’s good to know your options at the salon: acrylic, gel, or dip nails. Acrylics are popular, but are they the best choice for you? We've consulted beauty experts to explain the pros and cons of each type.

This guide will also look at how gel and dip nails differ, help you decide which might be best for you, and offer tips on how to grow your natural nails faster if artificial ones aren’t right for you. Keep reading to find out more about each option.

What's Healthier Than Acrylic Nails?

At a salon, acrylic nails are often applied to a filed, roughed-up nail surface. This makes the artificial nails stick better. But it also thins and damages your natural nails. This is especially problematic if you're using fake nails to disguise already damaged or soft nails.

After that, the nails are applied with chemicals, which come with their own risks (mainly irritation). And if you make it that far, the stress on your nails isn't over.

When it's time to remove them, they're soaked off with acetone—not the healthiest chemical to expose nails to repeatedly and for long periods of time.

Speaking of removal, you might want to look at "6 Ways To Take Off Acrylic Nails" to find safer methods and minimize damage.

What Kind Of Fake Nails Are The Safest?

So, maybe by now, you're convinced that your nails aren't cut out for the stress and strain of acrylic nails. But you love the idea of artificial nails - do you have to give up on them altogether?

Dermatologists recommend soaking off gel nails as the safest option. This way, you can still have the beauty and look of fake nails without as much damage.

Gel nails are more flexible and less likely to cause splitting and breaking of the natural nails. Be sure to specify soak-off nails. Otherwise, gel nails are often filed off, which can thin and weaken nails.

Fans of dip powder argue that it is the safest option. However, this is not everyone's opinion. The chemicals involved in dip powder include a glue that holds the powder in place. This may not be any less dangerous than the chemicals for other nail options. Removal still requires acetone, just like acrylics.

Close up of the process of applying acrylic powder on the nails of a young woman in a beauty salon

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It's also essential to be sure that your nail technician doesn't dip your nails into the same powder that any other customer has used.

For obvious reasons, this isn't considered good practice, and it can lead to bacterial infection. But to save money, it's not unheard of, and it's something to watch out for.

How Can You Help Real Nails Grow Faster?

If you've read this far, you might have concluded that fake nails - any fake nails - are just too much work for you. Frequent trips to the salon are expensive, time-consuming, and not everyone's cup of tea.

But you're still envious of people with long, beautiful, healthy-looking nails. So, how can you achieve this with your own natural nails? Here are a few helpful hints for growing gorgeous nails fast.

1. Use cuticle oil daily

This will hydrate both the cuticle and nail bed for healthier nails. Jojoba oil is a simple, affordable choice.

2. Add folic acid to your diet

This vitamin multiplies nail cells, speeding up the overall growth. It can also make them stronger. If your nails are bumpy or ridged, this is a sign that you need to increase your folic acid intake.

3. Improve your diet

A menu that includes a variety of foods and nutrients is important for nail health. The best way to do this is to eat a "rainbow" of foods—colorful fruits and vegetables, in particular, pack a potent punch. Also, cut out alcohol and sugar.

4. Use acetone-free nail polish remover

Acetone is tough on nails and can make them brittle and unhealthy. For information on the shelf life of these products, check out "Does Nail Polish Remover Expire?" to ensure you're using a non-expired, effective solution.

5. Strengthen nails with keratin

Keratin occurs naturally in nails already, but an extra boost makes them hardier and less prone to breaking.

Concluding Nail Choices

Acrylic nails offer both benefits and drawbacks. On the plus side, they are durable, long-lasting, and generally more affordable due to less frequent replacements needed compared to gel or dip nails.

However, they can look artificial, are rigid, take longer to set, and frequent use may result in brittle and thin natural nails. Consider these factors carefully when deciding on acrylic nails.

Young woman getting artificial nails at professional manicure in beauty salon. Acrylic Nails Advantages And Disadvantages

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