Can Microblading Fix Uneven Eyebrows?

The symmetry of facial features has long been recognized as the hallmark of beauty, so you may be wondering if microblading can fix the issue of uneven eyebrows. Eyebrows can easily be overplucked, or strands can fall out from overuse of makeup, health problems, and age. As a result, asymmetrical eyebrows are a very common problem to be faced. We did the research to determine if microblading can help to correct this issue.

While microblading cannot fix the issue altogether, it can disguise the eyebrows' shapes and give the appearance of more symmetrical features.

So now you know it's possible to improve the appearance of uneven eyebrows with microblading, but you may want to learn more. We don't blame you. Keep reading for more information about this procedure and how it can help.

A beautiful woman getting a permanent eyebrow make up, Can Microblading Fix Uneven Eyebrows?

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What Is Microblading?

How It Works

Microblading is essentially semi-permanent tattooing of the eyebrows. The technician performing the beauty procedure uses a special tool called a master or artist blade to make incisions along your brow line above the dermis.

The technician then uses a microblading pen which deposits pigment into these incisions. These incisions are made to look like strands of hair along the brow line, creating a natural look.

Beauty experts executing a permanent eyebrow make up

Creating Symmetry

In many instances, eyebrows may take an undesired shape over time. You may be left with one eyebrow that has a more defined, or higher or lower slope than the other. Of course, this does not help create symmetrical features.

To ensure that the eyebrows that the technician designs are symmetrical, the technician should use an eyebrow mapping technique.

Permanent eyebrow make up showing marker on her face

Eyebrow mapping can be a mathematical process. It allows the technician to decide where the front, the highest arch point, and the tail of the eyebrows should be. These three points are found using coordinates along the client's nose and eyes.

Then the points found are connected to create a rough draft of the desired eyebrow shape. Thickness and ultimate design, though, are tweaked and determined by the technician and client.

Tools are not always necessary, but they are often used. Some examples of what your technician may use are an eyebrow ruler, measuring tape, mapping pencil, and charcoal string. All of these items can be bought by you for at-home use when plucking and shaping as well.

Take a look at this eyebrow ruler we found on Amazon.

Filling In

Maybe your eyebrow shape is just right, but one eyebrow is thinner than the other. Perhaps you even have areas of thinning in one or both eyebrows. This is also very common, and it can create the illusion of asymmetrical eyebrows. Thankfully, microblading is just the fix for this problem.

Microblading essentially creates the appearance of additional strands of hair along the brow line. So if more hair in certain areas of the brow is all you need to have the appearance of even eyebrows, microblading can easily create the illusion of more strands of hair.

Eyebrow mapping is also beneficial in this sector. Not only does it show where each point of the eyebrow should lie, but it also gives the technician a better idea of which areas of the eyebrow need to be thicker or thinner.

Before And After

The Shape

As discussed previously, an inconsistent or just overall wonky shape of the eyebrow is a common problem. This photo shows that this woman has an unfortunate shape of the eyebrows, probably caused by overplucking over time.

Eyebrow mapping and microblading have improved upon the shape of the eyebrows and made them appear symmetrical. This is a beautiful transformation!

The Volume

Thinning or patchy eyebrows is also one of the issues causing uneven eyebrows.

Thinning or patchy eyebrows is also one of the issues causing uneven eyebrows. You can see here that while this woman's eyebrow shape was fairly correct, she was suffering from thinning in many areas of her brows and needed some help filling them in.

Microblading added the semblance of thicker brows while also tweaking the shape ever so slightly. We think she looks fantastic!

After Microblading

Is It Normal For Eyebrows To Look Uneven After Microblading?

The final result of microblading will be lustrous, shapely eyebrows, but this will not be an overnight look. The first day after the procedure will be exciting, as you will see a peek of what's to come, but not without some pain.

The next three to four weeks will be the period of time in which the skin will heal. This will come with patchiness, scabs, and uneven pigment. You may notice that the pigment appears very light or gray in some areas.

Though it's normal for the eyebrows to look uneven during the healing process, they will not stay this way. At the end of the healing process, they will look even better than they did on the first day after the procedure.

This is the case as long as you care for your eyebrows how your technician has instructed you to, including not picking at the scabs or using unapproved makeup. If you do, you could unwittingly remove pigment, which will result in uneven eyebrows.

Can You Change Microblading Shape?

It's essential to take charge at your microblading appointment and be sure that the shape that has been designed for your eyebrows is one that you will be happy with. The technician can map your eyebrows and make suggestions, but it's up to you to coach them to create the perfect brow design.

Once the process has been completed, it's challenging to go back and make changes. Brows can be touched up, and shape and density can be added but not taken away. Many technicians are happy to add more shading to brows and touch them up after the initial tattooing has healed.

Do You Still Have To Pluck After Microblading?

This is entirely a personal choice and dependent on your body. Of course, microblading will not impede hairs from growing, and some may grow out of the designated brow line.

If you frequently have hairs growing between your eyes or on your temples now and have to tweeze, you can safely bet that this will still be something you have to deal with after microblading. For some, though, this is a non-issue now and will be afterward as well.

In addition, you can plan your brow design so that it goes along your original, natural brow line and how your brows typically grow, which may reduce the frequency at which you will have to pluck.

How Long Will Microblading Last?

Microblading typically lasts between 12-18 months. However, with excellent conditions and care, it could last for as long as three years. On the other hand, if not maintained, it could last for as little as three months.

Some conditions that cause microblading to fade quite a bit faster are if the brows are not treated correctly during the healing process, such as pulling off scabs instead of letting them fall or using facial products or makeup that are harmful to the pigments.

Check out this aftercare ointment we found on Amazon.

Something that is out of your control, though, is your skin type. Oily skin types typically do not keep the pigment for extended periods, even if the person who received the microblading is meticulous in their care.

Dry and normal skin types keep the pigment for longer, and if one performs the prescribed aftercare for their brows and uses the right products, they may keep the pigment from microblading for much longer.

In Closing

Microblading is an effective way to correct uneven eyebrows. Whether from unnatural shaping or thinning, the process of microblading, as well as eyebrow mapping, can help create natural-looking, symmetrical eyebrows. Just be sure to advocate for your desired look during your appointment and follow the technician's aftercare instructions, and you can have gorgeous, long-lasting brows!

Want to learn more about beauty procedures? Visit these related posts:

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  1. Thank you so much to share such an amazing and informative article. Keep us updating with more interesting articles.

  2. This microblading guide is incredibly informative and well-structured! As someone who’s been considering microblading for a while, I found this article to be very helpful in understanding the process and potential risks involved. The section on aftercare instructions was particularly useful, as it provided detailed information on how to care for your eyebrows post-procedure to ensure the best results. I also appreciated the inclusion of frequently asked questions, as it answered some of the common concerns and misconceptions surrounding microblading. Overall, this article has provided me with a great starting point for my microblading journey, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who’s considering this technique.

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