Electrolysis is an effective, non-surgical procedure intended for hair removal, thus eliminating the need to shave. Aside from time-consuming, shaving may result in strawberry legs. You might wonder if electrolysis can remove strawberry legs. We’ve researched this topic and found some information for you.
Despite its cute name, strawberry legs are not appealing cosmetically. But there is hope! Electrolysis is a quick and effective method of getting rid of strawberry legs.
Let’s face it. Even though they aren't a medical issue, strawberry legs look a little embarrassing. You don’t have to cover up those legs in the spring or summer. It’s too hot for that! Read more to find out about strawberry legs and how to get rid of them.
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What are strawberry legs?
First, let’s discuss this common occurrence amongst hair shavers. Strawberry legs are not concerning healthwise, and they are usually painless. In fact, the phrase is not actually a medical one. And no, they don’t have anything to do with the fruit. This skin issue was coined strawberry legs due to the dotted and pitted appearance of the legs. In a way, it resembles the skin of strawberries.
A few causes of strawberry legs include shaving, clogged pores, dry skin, ingrown hairs, and folliculitis. In particular, folliculitis is common to experience after shaving. It's an uncomfortable skin condition in which trapped dirt and bacteria result in inflammation and/or infection. Instead of smooth and healthy tissue, the skin has little red or brown dots, as pictured above.
Sometimes, it can't be helped and results from your genes. A few people might think they have strawberry legs from an old razor when they actually have keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris is a genetic skin condition that causes strawberry legs, and it is common and harmless. In addition to red or brown bumps, keratosis pilaris is accompanied by bumpy skin.
Are strawberry legs permanent?
No, strawberry legs are not permanent. They might frequently occur in individuals with sensitive skin, but they don’t stay on the skin forever. Thankfully, there are a few options for treatment.
Unfortunately, an individual with keratosis pilaris can't be cured. However, it does tend to go away on its own when that person is in his or her 30s.
Nonetheless, you can do a few easy, at-home treatments for strawberry legs. But you need to find out the cause to provide the appropriate treatment. For example, if the strawberry legs are caused by acne, then you should treat them with salicylic acid or glycolic acid. A visit to the dermatologist may be in order. Here are a few treatment options:
- Replacing old razors with fresh, new blades.
- Performing chemical or mechanical exfoliation prior to shaving.
- Using gentle moisturizer on your skin daily.
- Applying creams containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid.
By the way, body scrubs expire eventually. So, be sure to check the expiration. If you're looking for a new body scrub, then check out our article, "9 Best Body Scrubs For Strawberry Legs."
Other than the options listed above, you can go into a dermatologist to have electrolysis performed. We'll talk more about that later.
How long does it take to get rid of strawberry legs?
If it's time for shorts or a bikini, then we understand your desire to get rid of strawberry legs as fast as possible. First, your skin needs to heal. And that takes time--the key to pretty, smooth legs. In order to heal, you need to remove the cause of the irritation.
Typically, strawberry legs do not require treatment, and they'll go away within two to three days. Occasionally the condition persists, and you may want to intervene for vanity's sake. If you remove the cause and apply the appropriate treatment, then the strawberry-like imperfections should disappear within one to three weeks. Annoyingly enough, results for keratosis pilaris may take longer; it may take up to four to six weeks for the skin to heal.
Does waxing get rid of strawberry legs?
Yes, waxing may get rid of strawberry legs, as long as the cause of the strawberry legs is clogged pores. So, just throw away that razor!
Essentially, waxing is exfoliating the skin. However, instead of waxing daily like shaving, waxing the legs only needs to be done every three to six weeks. Of course, the time that it lasts depends on factors like having ingrown hairs, having short hair less than 1/4 to 3/4 inches, and not exfoliating and/or moisturizing. If waxing is done incorrectly, it may only last as long as shaving with a razor lasts.
Some people try to wax their legs at home, but this may not be a good idea. Complications from home waxing include burns, scars, infections like folliculitis, and ingrown hairs. Thus, strawberry legs may develop after poorly executed at-home waxing.
You're trying to prevent strawberry legs, not cause them! Maybe it's best if you let a licensed esthetician carry out this method.
You still need to exfoliate prior to the procedure though. If body scrubs seem too messy, then you can use a manual exfoliator. Click here to see a good one on Amazon.
What is electrolysis?
Instead of waxing, your dermatologist can perform electrolysis, an FDA-approved way of permanently removing hair. Best of all, anyone is allowed to have this done. Electrolysis involves electrical currents applied to hair follicles. The heat and friction permanently damage the hair follicle, thus effectively preventing new hair growth.
Unlike waxing, electrolysis is painless. Yay, finally beauty without pain!
Also, unlike waxing, electrolysis is permanent. Note that electrolysis is only effective if you have it done multiple times, as recommended by your dermatologist. Check out our article, "How Often Can You Get Electrolysis Done?" to learn more.
Final Thoughts
Ensure that you are dealing with the appropriate treatment by discussing your condition with your dermatologist. He or she may recommend at-home treatments for strawberry legs, including new razor blades, exfoliator(s), and moisturizer(s). Alternatively, you can have waxing or electrolysis performed by a professional. Regardless, we wish you luck in your pursuit of smooth legs!