Can You Shave Or Pluck Between Electrolysis Treatments?

When receiving electrolysis treatments, it's only natural to wonder if you should be plucking or shaving between sessions. We have thoroughly looked into this subject and other questions you may have while you are attending hair removal sessions.

You can shave after having electrolysis as long as you have at least three days between shaving and your next treatment. However, you should never pluck, wax, or do any other hair removal method that pulls the hair out by the roots. These methods will slow your progress and may make more treatments necessary.

So, shaving is okay after receiving electrolysis treatment, but plucking must be avoided. Why is that? In the rest of this post, we will discuss the answer to that question and topics like how to prepare for your first session and what to do after the completion of your sessions.

A cosmetologist doing laser hair removal of unwanted hair of the face to a young girl in a beauty salon, Can You Shave Or Pluck Between Electrolysis Treatments?

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Shaving Between Electrolysis Treatments

Close up shot of an unrecognizable woman shaving her legs

Electrolysis is only effective on hair that is not in its "resting phase." This is when hair stays in for about 100 days, where the follicle is completely at rest, and the hair is fully formed. Shaving between treatments can help your hair enter its growth phase. As a result, it can make your treatments more effective.

If you plan to shave between treatments, do not do it within 3-5 days of your next treatment. Shaving within three days of your next treatment won't allow the hair enough time to grow and result in less hair removal, as hair can only be removed if it is at least 1/8 of an inch long. Before shaving between treatments, talk to your electrologist to see what they recommend.

Plucking Between Electrolysis Treatments

Once you begin your treatment, you mustn't do any hair removal method that involves pulling the hair out by the root. This includes plucking, threading, and waxing. When you pull the hair out by the root, the body sends more blood to that area. This increased blood flow makes the hair grow more.

If you have been waxing or tweezing, your hair will be stronger. As a result, people whose primary hair removal method involved removing the hair by the root will require more electrolysis treatments than other people. The only area that this doesn't seem to be true for is the eyebrow area.

How Do I Prepare For Electrolysis Treatment?

Cosmetologist does the procedure for laser hair removal of unwanted hair of the face to a young girl in a beauty salon

Once you have decided to start the electrolysis treatment process, you can do a few things to prepare for your first session. First, make sure you schedule your first appointment 2-3 weeks after waxing or tweezing and 5-7 days after shaving.

Before you show up to your appointment, make sure you are well-hydrated for a week before the appointment. The more hydrated you are, the more effective and comfortable the treatment will be. Proper hydration allows your skin to be more elastic. As a result, your electrologist can use a lower setting and insert the probe more comfortably.

Another important part of preparing for your treatment is to exfoliate your skin gently. This will open up your hair follicles and allow the hair to be removed more easily.

If you are using any retinol treatments or harsh topical skin medication, it is important to discontinue them at least three weeks before your appointment. This is because electrolysis may irritate your skin, and any harsh skin cream can worsen this. In addition to avoiding harsh creams, you also want to limit sun exposure to help avoid irritation.

Avoid wearing makeup to your appointment, and make sure the area to be worked on is clean. It is easier to remove clean hair.

If you want pain relief, you can talk to your electrologist about topical pain relief like Topicaine or Emla. You can also take Panadol tablets an hour prior if you prefer an oral pain medication. These medications need to be applied or taken before you arrive at your appointment.

How Long After Electrolysis Can I Shave?

As long as your dermatologist or electrologist said that shaving between treatments is okay, you can shave one to two days after. Be sure that you have at least 3-7 days between shaving and your next treatment.

What Should You Not Do After Electrolysis?

Women scratch the itch with hand

Once you have had an electrolysis treatment, it is essential to follow the instructions given to you. Every place will have slightly different instructions, but they will all be similar to the ones below.

In your first 24 hours post-electrolysis, your skin is at risk of infection. For this reason, you should avoid rubbing, itching, and touching the area you received treatment. You should also avoid direct sunlight for 72 hours after being treated and chlorine exposure for 48 hours.

In addition to avoiding the things above, you should avoid using public pools, saunas, and tanning beds. It is also best to avoid taking a hot shower for a few days after.

To avoid more irritation, do not do any activities that make you sweat excessively or apply any alcohol products to the area. Perfumes and other isopropyl alcohol products can burn and irritate the freshly treated skin.

After hair removal, it is normal for scabs to form. To prevent infection, avoid picking at the scabs that form. It is also important to avoid clogging the pores with makeup and other skin products.

To remove hair between appointments, you can shave, clip, or use a depilatory cream. Do not wax, tweeze, thread, or use sugar treatments to remove hair.

What To Do After Electrolysis Treatment?

For a couple of days after receiving the treatment, your skin may be red and feel slightly sunburned. It is highly prone to infection at this point and requires careful care. In addition to the aftercare tips provided by your dermatologist, you should also follow these steps.

Find a gentle aftercare product that can clean your face gently and keep your pores clear. You will want to apply it up to 3 times daily with a fresh cotton ball to fight off infection and help the skin heal. Keep the area clean and avoid touching it with your fingers for 48 hours.

Does Hair Fall Out After Electrolysis?

After you receive electrolysis, the hair will slowly fall out over the next few weeks. It can take many weeks to several months before you will notice significant hair loss.

Can Hair Grow Back After Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only FDA- approved hair removal treatment that causes permanent hair removal. Once you have completed the necessary number of sessions, the hair will not grow back. There is no need to do an annual follow-up after completing treatment.

Will Hair Grow Between Electrolysis Sessions?

Yes, in between sessions, there will be new hair growth. This is because this is secondary growth that is not the same hair that was treated. Hair takes up to 10 weeks to grow, and some hair lies dormant for six months under the skin. This is why electrolysis requires so many treatments. Over time, the hair that grows in will become weaker and finer until it doesn't return anymore.

Closing Thoughts

We discovered that it is okay to shave after electrolysis throughout this article, provided your electrologist or dermatologist approve. Then, we talked about why you shouldn't wax or pluck once you begin electrolysis treatments. Finally, we discussed what to do and what to avoid once you start attending sessions.

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