Can Guys Wear Anklets?  [and How to Do That the Right Way!]

Fashion trends tend to have strange gender rules. For example, while women can readily wear anklets while going to the beach or attending festivals, many men feel as though they can't. What is the case, then? Can guys wear anklets? 

Absolutely yes, men can wear anklets and ankle bracelets. At this point, the only thing holding potentially-interested men back is the social stigma that may still exist in some parts of the population (but not all!). 

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What Is The Male Tradition Of Anklet Wearing?

Men have been wearing anklets for just about as long as women have. In Africa and the Middle East, men wore anklets to indicate their social status. 

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What Kind Of Anklets Can Men Wear?

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Surf or beach anklets

If you live in a seaside area, then you've likely see shell-based anklets for sale. Men can just as readily wear these types of anklets as women, though they'll need time to get used to the pressure of the shells against their legs. 

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Surf or beach anklets

Beaded anklets have less of an immediate impact on the leg than shell-based anklets. Even so, they add an extra bit of spark to the standard male anklet. 

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Hemp Anklets  

Made out of loose material, hemp anklets are often seen as temporary anklets that will fall off after long-term exposure to water. These anklets can be adorned with any number of beads or other details. So long as they're carefully preserved or removed before entering the water, these anklets can last for a significant amount of time. 

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Which Leg Should A Man Wear An Anklet On?