When it comes to choosing the best treatment for dark skin, asking questions is essential. Are you looking into trying an electrolysis treatment but don't know how it will react to your skin? We are also very curious about this topic and have done plenty of research to find you the answers. Let's discuss.
According to what we found, electrolysis is a safe and effective hair removal option for darker-skinned individuals. A benefit of getting electrolysis if you have dark skin is that it doesn't bleach or use harsh chemicals on your skin. This treatment targets the exact hair follicle versus an entire area, which lessens post-treatment irritation.
As we get into this post, we will cover all things electrolysis and even share some of our favorite related products. Although hair removal sounds like a good idea, some methods can cause damage to your skin. With that said, let's dive right in!
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What Is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a treatment that removes individual hairs from your face or body. This procedure targets the follicle and essentially eliminates the growth center of that exact hair. Electrolysis is considered a safer hair removal option due to its short recovery time and minimal side effects.
Does It Work?
From what we found, electrolysis treatments provide permanent results after your set amount of visits are complete. The number of treatments you need for permanent results will depend on your hair's thickness and growth pattern so that the timeframe will vary. A typical treatment will end up lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Everyone is different, so make sure to talk to your doctor about treatment options.
Why Is Electrolysis Safer For Dark Skin?
When it comes to electrolysis being safer on dark skin, that is due to the way it is done. A typical hair removal treatment uses harsh chemicals or even bleaching agents to remove hair, which is not safe for darker skin. Electrolysis targets the actual hair follicle rather than the entire affected area using heat energy.
Does Electrolysis Cause Skin Discoloration?
Typically, electrolysis causes temporary redness or dark spots that will last for a few days. Skin discoloration is very mild with this procedure and rarely requires a doctor's attention. We recommend staying out of the sun or having any other heat-based treatments done after electrolysis.
Which Laser Hair Removal Is Best For Dark Skin?
Choosing the safest laser hair removal will come down to your skin's sensitivity. Most IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatments are safe on dark skin and do not have any long-term side effects. At-home lasers have become a hot trend in recent years and usually cost you around 100-300 dollars. We recommend searching for laser hair removers that have a few different heat settings or modes.
Silk’n Flash&Go Express IPL Laser
Here is a laser hair removal treatment from Silk'n that promises to remove unwanted hair permanently. This laser has 300,000 flashes and promises to last the entirety of your treatment.
Check out this IPL laser hair remover on Amazon here.
mē Smooth Permanent Hair Reduction Device
Here we have another laser hair removing device for dark skin from mē. This device is FDA cleared and promises to work exceptionally well on darker hair and skin.
See this permanent hair-removing laser on Amazon here.
Philips Lumea IPL Hair Removal Laser
Here is a darker skin-friendly IPL laser from PHILIPS that promises up to eight weeks of hair-free skin after four-five uses. This laser comes with two attachments for your face and body.
View this IPL laser on Amazon here.
How Long Does It Take For Skin To Heal After Electrolysis?
Compared to other hair removal treatments, electrolysis has one of the shortest downtimes. The average healing time for someone who has had electrolysis done is about 7-10 days. Healing time will depend on how well you take care of your skin post-treatment, so we suggest moisturizing and avoiding UV exposure. Dry and damaged skin tends to be the longest to heal versus moisturizing and keeping their skin hydrated.
GiGi After Wax Skin Calming Lotion
Here is a soothing lotion from GiGi that is perfect for post-electrolysis treated skin. This lotion contains aloe vera, vitamins C and E and works to reduce redness and irritation.
Check out this skin-calming lotion on Amazon here.
Clean + Easy Calm Post Hair Removal Azulene Oil
Here we have another skin-calming product from Clean + Easy that helps to soothe skin and irritation. This product contains a non-greasy formula, is made in the USA, and is cruelty-free.
Follow this link to see this soothing oil on Amazon.
Can Hair Grow Back After Electrolysis?
Although electrolysis is a permanent hair removal option, new hair can grow back. Complete electrolysis treatment can take anywhere from three to 18 months, so hair will keep growing during your treatment. Once you have reached the end of your electrolysis, hair will not regrow out of the follicles treated. New hair can grow on different parts of your body as you age or as your hormones shift so that you may require further treatment later on.
Can I Wax During Electrolysis Treatment?
If you find yourself still dealing with hair growth during your electrolysis treatment, avoid waxing or plucking. Choosing to wax or pluck your treated hair can reverse the effects of the electrolysis and ruin your progress. We recommend trimming or gently shaving visible areas and leaving the rest alone during your treatment. You have to keep in mind that your skin is hypersensitive after electrolysis and needs time to heal between sessions.
Does Electrolysis Work On Dark Hair?
For those reading with darker hair, we've got good news for you! Electrolysis is a great and effective option for anyone with darker hair as well as skin. This is because electrolysis works on all skin tones and hair types and does not rely on a contrast between the two. Many laser and hair removal treatments require a difference in color between hair and skin, alienating potential candidates.
Does It Work On Curly Hair?
The best part of electrolysis is that it also works on course curly hair. By targeting the hair follicle, this treatment works well with more difficult hair types and textures. Electrolysis is a favorite among men and women with darker facial and body hair who might traditionally not be considered for hair removal treatment. If you find yourself struggling with dark, curly unwanted hair, this might be something to look into.
Are There Any Long-Term Side Effects?
When it comes to long-term side effects, if your treatment is done incorrectly, they can occur. The most common long-term effects of improper electrolysis are skin damage and scarring. Scarring at the hair follicle is one of the more visible effects if your electrologist was too rough during your treatment. It is super important to choose the right professional when having this procedure done, so your skin stays undamaged.
Can Any Doctor Perform Electrolysis?
A common misconception about electrolysis is that a medically licensed doctor always performs the treatment. In many cases, a dermatologist supervised an electrologist to ensure that your treatment is done correctly and safely. Many states do not even require medical training for electrolysis, so make sure to stay within a doctor's office or practice.
Our Final Thoughts
Whether you are dealing with unruly hair growth or want smoother, hairless skin, you've got options. As a darker-skinned person, many traditional hair removal techniques will end up damaging your skin, so it is crucial to avoid taking shortcuts. Electrolysis is a proven safe option for darker skin and is one of the few permanent hair removal options available. From what we found, keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized will help cut down heal time and give you better results. Regardless of your skin tone, remember to be gentle with yourself and avoid plucking or waxing during electrolysis treatment.
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