Should You Wear Nail Polish To An Interview? [And What Color To Choose]

Getting ready for a job interview means aiming for the perfect look, which includes your outfit, shoes, makeup, and even your nails.

Woman with groomed hands with nude beige pink nail design holding cup

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Wondering if nail polish is appropriate and which color best enhances your professional look? Don't worry, we've gathered all the essential tips you need.

Choosing the right nail polish color for an interview shouldn't be a hassle. For the top nail color recommendations that will make you stand out in your interview, just keep reading!

Nail Polish Etiquette For Interviews

Wearing nail polish to a job interview is absolutely fine, but choosing the right color is crucial for a professional look.

Beautiful manicured woman's nails with cream nail

The job role you're applying for should guide your color choice. Experts recommend opting for subtle shades to keep a low profile, avoiding loud colors, glitter, or nail art for interviews.

For conservative fields like law, it's best to choose toned-down nail polish. However, for roles in more creative industries like fashion, you might get away with bolder shades. Understanding the company culture and audience before your interview will help you make the best impression.

What Color Should My Nails Be For An Interview?

Even though it is recommended that you play it safe at an interview, there are still many colors to choose from so that your nails get a little bit of pizazz. Here is the list we have compiled of the best nail polish colors for job interviews.


You can't go wrong with clear nail polish. This barely-there color will give your nails a little shine and keep you looking polished and professional.


Although not quite as translucent as clear, beige nail polish still keeps things on the muted side but with a little bit of neutral color. Beige also goes perfectly with any outfit you choose to wear.

Light Pink

Light pink is always a favorite because even though it's understated, it's still really pretty, and since light pink is the color of fingernails, it looks natural. Not only that, light pink basically matches everything so you won't have to worry about clashing colors.


Although it's a little unconventional, some stylists say that red nail polish is ok to wear to an interview. Red is a classic nail polish color, and if you are wearing a conservative outfit to the interview, a lovely red polish might just give you the bit of color that you need.

Is It OK To Wear Dark Nail Polish To An Interview?

The popular consensus regarding nails and job interviews is that less is more, but here are some scenarios when it's perfectly acceptable to wear dark nail polish.

Makeup and manicure.

Type Of Job

First, you need to ask yourself if this is the type of job where a deep red or burgundy would be appropriate.

As mentioned previously, a very conservative office environment or a job in the medical field might not be the best place for dark-colored nails. However, if the job is in a more laid-back or trendy atmosphere, then you can totally pull it off.

Dark Color Choices

So what are some good dark colors for interviews? Plums, burgundies, reds, and greys all get top marks when it comes to interviewing.

Again, make sure that the job you are interviewing for isn't too subdued, and if you're in doubt, you might just want to go with something a little more on the safe side. After all, your nails are an essential part of your overall appearance and might factor into whether or not you get the job.

Are Long Nails Unprofessional?

The consensus among interviewers is that long nails look unprofessional. Keep your nails trimmed to just past the tips of your fingers for a presentable, businesslike appearance.

Young beautiful woman posing for camera downtown

This is especially important if the job you are applying for involves typing. You don't want to lose out on a job because your potential boss is worried your long, fake nails will prevent you from typing properly!

If the interview is for a job that is hipper and not so conservative, then you'll probably be able to bend those rules a bit with longer, more stylish nails.

What Shape Should Nails Be?

As far as the shape of your nails, you can't go wrong with a classic oval shape. Again, your nails—and their shape—should be on the conservative side for interviews and not overly trendy.

What Chipped Nail Polish Says About You?

When you finally decide on the perfect nail color for your important interview, you definitely want to make sure that your polish is not chipped for your big day. Chipped nails are a definite no-no at a job interview.

If your nails are chipped, it indicates that you haven't taken the time to look your best for your interview. A sloppy appearance can make or break your chances for the job.

If you go to an interview with chipped nails, chances are that your potential employer will view them as sloppy and think that you didn't care enough to make your nails presentable.

In addition to that, chipped nails are indicative of a busy lifestyle. If a potential boss thinks you are too busy to attend to your nails, they might wonder if you are going to have the time to do the job to their standards.

How To Avoid Chipped Nails

One of the easiest ways to avoid having chipped nail polish is to go with clear polish. It's extremely low maintenance because when it chips, no one can really tell.

Another simple way to avoid chipped nails is to use a topcoat. Using a top coat over your nail polish will help keep the polish from chipping.

Nailing Your Interview Look

When you're trying to decide which nail polish to wear for a job interview, remember to keep it understated. You can't go wrong with clear, light pink, or beige.

And if you are interviewing for a job that's not too conservative, you can opt for something a little bolder, like red or burgundy. As surprising as it might seem, your nails can make all the difference when it comes to achieving a completely polished and sophisticated look.

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Employer or committee holding reading a resume with talking during about his profile of candidate, employer in suit is conducting a job interview, manager resource employment and recruitment concept, Should You Wear Nail Polish To An Interview? [And What Color To Choose]

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